Check out Adam Rifkins new Film


Rifkin has done something unusual here, making his whole film as if it had been viewed from hidden surveillance cameras. The cameras are the kind we all know exist but forget about—nanny cams, public spaces, etc.

The stories Rifkin weaves together are reminiscent of those in “Crash” or several Robert Altman movies. But the vignettes are well-told, and some of them even line up at the end.

Maybe the best one concerns a lothario store manager played by Hayes MacArthur, the young actor now engaged in real life to Ali Larter. Jamie McShane also is very good as a high school teacher who’s ensnared and seduced by one of his students.


On Friday night December 14th, a fire broke out in the Atelier. It was extinguished, and no one was injured. However, the fire and smoke caused damage. We will need time to rebuild what we can. I hope you will all join me in thinking of creative ways to work during this time. For those of you directly impacted I am here to assist you in solving some of the challenges ahead. Fire can be traumatic and it’s impact unpredictable. Please join me in my office Wed Dec 19th at 18 Uhr to reflect on the changes the fire has brought. – Julia Scher


EUROPEAN ART FESTIVAL OSNABRÜCKSie können Arbeiten zu folgenden Bereichen einreichen:// CINEMA Experimentelle Kurz- und Langfilme, Musikvideos, neue Formender Narration und Dokumentation sowie Sonderprogramme// EXHIBITION Aktuelle Installationen vom 23. April bis 25. Mai 2008in der Kunsthalle Dominikanerkirche. Eingeladen sind neue installative Arbeiten, die das aktuelle Spektrum der Medienkunst wiedergeben. Eine Ausstellung des Festivals wird den Themenbereich “Jugend und Identität” präsentieren. Gesucht werden hierfür künstlerische Positionen zu und Blicke auf jugendliche Realitäten verschiedener Regionen und Kulturen.// EXPANDED MEDIA Künstlerische Projekte der digitalen medialen Aktionund Interaktion sowie Performances, Musik- und Klangprojekte,Live-Acts, VeeJaying und aktuelle Konzepte des Expanded Cinema


Betreff: FW: The Cartier Award 2008: Call for applications> The> Cartier> Award 2008: Call for applications>>>>>>> The Cartier Award for emerging artists living outside the UK is a majorinitiative by Frieze Projects, the curatorial programme of Frieze Art Fair, incollaboration with Gasworks and sponsored by Cartier. Artists are invited topropose a new work to be realised at Frieze Art Fair 2008 which will be producedunder the auspices of Frieze Projects. Projects may take the form ofsite-specific installation; performance; film; video and print work.>> The Cartier Award includes:> - 3 month residency at Gasworks from mid September to mid December 2008including accommodation, per diems and travel expenses> - Project production costs of up to 10,000 pounds> - An artist's fee of 1,000 pounds>> The selection committee for 2008 is:> Neville Wakefield (Curator, Frieze Projects)> Hervé Chandès (Director, Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art)> Mia Jankowicz (Residency Curator, Gasworks)> Richard Wentworth (Artist)>> The Cartier Award is open to non UK based artists within 5 years of graduatingfrom an undergraduate or postgraduate degree.>> Please visit for more details and access to the onlineapplication form. The deadline for applications is Friday 7 January 2008.>> Gasworks is a contemporary arts organisation in South London housing 12artists' studios and presenting a programme of exhibitions, residencies,international fellowships and educational projects.>> Cartier has a long-standing relationship with contemporary art. Twenty twoyears ago the company established the Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art inParis -- a unique example of corporate patronage for contemporary art.>> Cartier is the Associate Sponsor of Frieze Art Fair supporting Frieze Projectsand the Cartier Award.>> Frieze> 3-4 Hardwick Street, London, EC1R 4RB, UK>>>>>>>>> []> []>> []>> 53 Ludlow street> New York, NY 10002, USA