Perspective Drawing

Samstag, 11. November: public lecture des US-amerikanischen Künstlers Bradley Pitts  (18 Uhr, Aula, Filzengraben 2).

Bradley Pitts

Der US-Künstler Bradley Pitts präsentiert seine aktuellen Projekte, unter anderem seine Erfahrungen am Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in der Nähe von Moskau mit der Schwerelosigkeit. “Blind, taub und nackt ist der Weg der parabolischen Flugerfahrung”. Räumliche Symmetrien und Desorientierung sind wiederkehrende Elemente seiner ästhetischen Recherchen.
Bradley Pitts (geboren 1978) studierte am MIT aerospace engineering, Kunst und Artchitectur. Nach einem Master of Science in aeronautics und astronautics entschloss er sich für die künstlerische Karriere. Die letzten drei Jahre verbrachte er in Amsterdam, wo er zur Zeit an der Rijksakademie van beeldende kusten als Resident Researcher im Bereich Art/Science aktiv ist.
Am 12. November 2008 ab 10.30 Uhr wird Bradley Pitts im Rahmen des Seminars von Prof. Julia Scher einen Workshop für KHM Studierende geben.
Dokumentation zu seiner Arbeit unter

Earth Sounds

Returning for its third year, the Electronic Music Foundation’s acclaimed sound art, music and ecology festival Ear to the Earth will take place this month in locations all over New York City. Ear to the Earth is organized around the principle that sound’s distinct emotional impact makes it a significant medium in which to explore environmental concerns such as global warming, extinction and habitat destruction. Divided into two sections, “New York Soundscapes” and “Other Soundscapes,” this year’s events maintain a strong urban emphasis. Andrea Polli’s installation Cloud Car, takes the automobile, a key force within the development of American cities, as its locus. With the aide of special effects technician Chuck Varga, Polli will envelop a Ford Taurus station ! wagon entirely in mist. Visitors will be invited to sit in the car and listen to environmental sound compositions. Resembling a broken down vehicle on the side of a highway, the work is a poignant symbol for America’s current predicament in regards to oil dependency. Cloud Car will be on display at Eyebeam October 18th and will then move to the New York Hall of Science on October 25th. LoVid will also examine energy in their performance Sunification (for Sync Armonica & solar sound) on Thursday October 16th. Drawing from their 2007 Turbulence commission Bonding Energy, in which the duo positioned seven solar panels across New York State in order to collect and transmit solar energy information to a site that visualized this data, their performance will use this same solar data as a bas! is for live mixing and manipulation with a device known as the Sync Armonica. Other performances scheduled for the festival will foreground the experience of the city from a personal perspective. On October 17th, Marina Rosenfeld will debut Near Speakers, where she will use field recordings of the ‘bleed’ from cheap earbud headphones in spaces such as trains and elevators, an everyday experience for many, in a unique DJ set. Following Near Speakers, Miya Masaoka will present Quest for Minetta Creek, which looks at the mythology surrounding the underground streams of New York City. Departing from the idea that waterways will eventually go above ground and take over the streets in the event that humans were to depart, Masaoka interviewed residents living near the underground water source Minetta Creek about their knowledge of and interaction with the stream and pairs this with! field recordings of the Minetta itself. Imaginative and slightly dystopic, the work captures city dwellers’ common remove from environmental forces. – Ceci Moss


about memory, art, public space

The context-giving programme for the interventions in Vogelsang will start january 20th / 07.00 pm / in the aula or room2 of KHM: “Konversion(en)/Conversion(s)” a panel with Astrid Wege (European Kunsthalle Cologne) and Barbara Hess.

A lecture by Celeste Olalquiaga on ruins and melancholia will take place january 27th / 07.00 pm / in the aula or room2 of KHM: „Modernity in Ruins” – About the fall of modernity’s utopian dream and the fate of its ruins by Celeste Olalquiaga.
Celeste Olalquiaga is a cultural historian interested in the contradictions of modernity and the residual aspects of modern culture. She has proposed kitsch as the decayed cristallization of an imaginary experience. Currently at work on a re-examination of the myth of Medusa, she is also studying the evolving boundaries between nature and technology. An independent scholar, Celeste publishes, lectures and does artistic collaborations worldwide.
Her books include Megalopolis:Contemporary Cultural Sensibilities . (1992) and The Artificial Kingdom:.A Treasury of the Kitsch Sensibility.(1998).

background reference

contact reference

visiting program

Freedom Not Fear 2008

Freedom Not Fear 2008

On 11th October 2008 we call for an international action day in as many European capital cities as possible and elsewhere around the world to demonstrate against the total retention of telecommunication data and other instruments of surveillance. We would like to recall the remembrance of the historical achievement of civil rights and liberties as a heritage of the Age of Enlightenment and to support the trust in security in our free society.

Security By Julia : documentation online

SBJ XVII Biennale di Venezia 1993

The SBJ series goes from I to XLVI (01 to 46). Already online pictures documentate following editions:

II installation, video and live feeds / 1989
IV installation, video, performance and live feeds / 1989
IX installation / 1990-91
XVII installation, video and live feeds (Biennale di Venezia) / 1993
XLIII Pussybooth / 2001
XLV installation / 2002
XLVI installation, performance live cctv & computer feeds / 2002, 2004




One Box = One Minute of Free Speech
Come and speak your mind!

21st September, 11AM-2PM
26th September, 12-3PM
27th September, 3-6PM

NEW VIDEOS of the last Soapbox Event at Federal Hall on the Soapbox Event website/blog:

Is Somebody Watching You? Ancient Surveillance Systems

Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology
Vol. 19 No. 1 (Jun 2006):65-89

Is Somebody Watching You?
Ancient Surveillance Systems in the Southern Judean Desert
Yuval Yekutieli

The Panoptic model of surveillance, which enables a small number of observers to control large numbers of people, is usually considered a modern (18th century AD) invention and a conceptual cornerstone of modern surveillance and disciplinary systems. On the basis of two case studies encountered in a survey near the southwestern edge of the Dead Sea, this study suggests that the concept of surveillance is much older. The first case deals with a quarry from the Roman period, and the second concentrates on an ascent from the Early Bronze Age II–III periods (3000–2400 BC).

Keywords: Negev, Bronze Age, Roman, Israel, panoptic surveillance, landscape archaeology