CfPP : The Vogelsang Intervention

“How do we seize our own individual image building capacity as an “instrument” in depicting a new present or future?” 

Center for Public Practice-Vogelsang
Tues 19:00 h – 21:00 h colloquium
Wed 10:30 h – 13:30 h
Prof. Julia Scher, in collaboration with Marcel Odenbach, Susanna Schoenberg
Location: room2 @ glas moog


“In a public space make a work that reveals or draws attention to something overlooked, hidden, unseen, or absent, or which bears witness to a past event.”

CfPP supports research, discussion, and production regarding a new public space in Germany. The seminar participants are encouraged to critically engage the site’s evolving identity.
The topic and location, is the former National Socialist elite military leadership school, the NS “Ordensburg” Vogelsang.  “Vogelsang” is now part of the Nationalpark Eifel, and is currently being developed into a multi use public space and learning center.

The VOGELSANG INTERVENTION will take place october 15th – 19th 2009.

Next students’ project presentations is scheduled for  april 15th @ room2.

Digitized Documents and Films of the Hungarian State Security


OSA Archivum is digitizing records on the structure and modus operandi of the Hungarian state security and other repressive organs of the communist regime. These have been obtained under strict scrutiny by private persons and researchers from various Hungarian archives, particularly from the Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security and its predecessors. By uniting the fragmented, scattered and often artificially separated files, we hope to give a full picture of the activities and culture of the former state security organs.

Over the past few years, OSA Archivum has initiated the digitization and online presentation of several collections of state security documents. Among these are over 200 educational and propaganda films from the film studio of the Hungarian Ministry of the Interior, as well as over 10,000 pages of the Collection of Directives from the same ministry.

For more information, visit

Taken from:〈=en

Defensible Space : a workshop with Michelle Teran : 6th and 7th january 2009

Defensible Space a seminar-plot by Michelle Teran, guest @ SA and re-active platform, january 6th and 7th 2009, room2, glas moog

Defensible Space is a two day seminar that looks at the ‘Architectures of Fear‘, the ways that systems are designed to shape users’ behaviour – with emphasis on the ‘control of behavior’.

In his essay ‘Building Paranoia: The Proliferation of Interdictory Space and the Erosion of Spatial Justice’ (published in Architecture of Fear, Princeton Architectural Press) geographer Stephen Flusty outlines his elaborate taxonomy of defensible space. ‘Stealthy spaces’ are ones that cannot be found, ‘slippery spaces’ are ones that cannot be reached, ‘prickly spaces’ cannot be comfortably occupied and ‘jittery spaces’ are spaces that cannot be utilized unobserved.

During this two day seminar, Flusty’s taxonomies will be introduced. Starting with a theoretical lecture, examples of control architectures, such as shopping malls, business plazas, anti-homeless furniture, anti-protester security systems and gated communities, will introduced to illustrate the emergence of new urban borders.

The Defensible Space lecture will be followed by a screening of ‘LiveSafelyinEurope‘, a 52 minute documentary by Austrian artist Emmanual Danesch about gated communities in Europe.

In the second day we will go out into the city, and try to annotate different urban spaces using Flusty’s categorizations.

MidTerm ReView

MidTerm ReView

From december 5th to december 17th 2008

At room2 and exhibition space / filzengraben 2 / former Glas Moog / 50676 cologne

1st COMING TOGETHER : december 9th 5-8 pm with Ustinov, Egermann, Marre, Krause, Holling, Hahlbrock, Pelzer (& Tarcson)

2nd DATE : december 11th 5-7 pm with Reich, Sokolova, Konvensyrjä, Dhur, Zangeneh, Bibileishvili (& Tarcson)