CfPP : The Vogelsang Intervention

“How do we seize our own individual image building capacity as an “instrument” in depicting a new present or future?” 

Center for Public Practice-Vogelsang
Tues 19:00 h – 21:00 h colloquium
Wed 10:30 h – 13:30 h
Prof. Julia Scher, in collaboration with Marcel Odenbach, Susanna Schoenberg
Location: room2 @ glas moog


“In a public space make a work that reveals or draws attention to something overlooked, hidden, unseen, or absent, or which bears witness to a past event.”

CfPP supports research, discussion, and production regarding a new public space in Germany. The seminar participants are encouraged to critically engage the site’s evolving identity.
The topic and location, is the former National Socialist elite military leadership school, the NS “Ordensburg” Vogelsang.  “Vogelsang” is now part of the Nationalpark Eifel, and is currently being developed into a multi use public space and learning center.

The VOGELSANG INTERVENTION will take place october 15th – 19th 2009.

Next students’ project presentations is scheduled for  april 15th @ room2.