Stop ACTA in EU, write to your elected representative

Please  take a moment and send an email to your elected representative in the EU parliament:

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

ich möchte Sie dringend bitten, alles in Ihrer Macht stehende zu tun, um die Einführung des Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreements (ACTA) zu stoppen. Es sieht mir so aus, als wäre es nicht das Ziel unserer Parlamente und Regierungen, z.B. China auf dem Weg zur Demokratie zu begleiten. Im Gegenteil, unser eigenes Land, beziehungsweise unser Zugang zum Internet, scheint sich immer mehr China zum Vorbild zu nehmen. Lassen Sie uns diesen Trend stoppen bevor es zu spät ist. Es ist sehr leicht, Freiheiten aufzugeben, aber unendlich schwieriger, sie (zurück-)zu erkämpfen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

As a citizen who will be severely affected by ACTA, I am shocked that this legislation has been drafted and signed in almost complete secrecy by unelected officials and corporate lobbyists, without public access to the text or any respect for the democratic process.

I remind you that as one of my personal representatives in the EU parliament, it is your job and your duty to understand precisely the effects that legislation will have on the people, and to act in the people’s interest. ACTA is finally coming to the people’s attention, and we are collectively outraged.

The internet has grown to be the most important platform for information sharing and granting power to the people in the history of mankind. ACTA will fundamentally destroy the openness and ingenuity of the Internet, lacks democratic credibility, and poses a serious threat to free speech that wrongly requires ISPs to surveil and police their users.

I urge you to withhold consent on this agreement, seek to draft better legislation with more respect for the rights of the person, and to stand up for democracy and the fundamental rights of every human across the world.