Transmediale 2011 / Berlin : Delimination of Life – Affective Bodies and Biomedia

Delimination of Life – Affective Bodies and Biomedia (Keynote Conversation, Track 3)
2011-02-06 17:30 h – 18:30 h

Delimination of Life – Affective Bodies and Biomedia
Keynote-Conversation (Track 3)
Participants: Marie-Luise Angerer (at/de), Mark Hansen (us)
Moderation: Jens Hauser (fr/de)

Today we are experiencing a shifting moment in the concept of the human. Affect as a crucial modality of the human organism, of human existence, has moved to the centre of media theory, philosophy and aesthetics. The new quality of live media and networks, that is, the hybridisation and increasing biologisation of communication technologies, create a biomedial environment in which the body no longer seems to be the basis of perception. Rather, we are experiencing the deterritorialisation of our entire sphere of affective and emotional relationships. What concept and understanding of the body is required in todays immediated digital culture?

In this keynote conversation Marie-Luise Angerer and Mark Hansen will focus on these virtual qualities of the body discussing the affective dimension our bodies experience and adapt to digital environments.