SA VIRTUAL Group: 1st streaming

Surveillant Architectures (Virtual) Group: Referring to a contemporary cultural discourse around time, space,bodies, audience, public space and landscapes. Events series with guest speakers on site and via internet-streaming; VIRTUAL will refer to readings and lectures or interviews with surveillance >specialists< and >privileged observers< of phenomena involved in the shift of borders between public or semi-public space and private sphere.

1st streaming
October 19th 6 pm and October 20th 11 am

VIRTUAL # 0 was recorded October 12th at room2, glasmoog, cologne, with the participation of New Zealand artist and radio-speaker Joanne Moar. The keywords of this contribution are: backlash, database, virtuality, iteration, index.

virtual #1 left channel virtual #1 right channel

room2, glasmoog, cologne 2010-oct-12th, 1:30 pm

VIRTUAL # 1 will be streamed October 19th and 20th. If you are at room2 now, please take place in front of the microphone and reprise the lines you can follow listening to the earphones.