How German is it? Thomas Demand in Berlin

Thomas Demand in Berlin – Votragsreihe: How German is it?

A series of lectures in conjunction with Thomas Demand’s exhibition Nationalgalerie

Scholars, artists and politicians from Germany and abroad will discuss select aspects of German culture, society and history, taking a work by Thomas Demand as their point of departure. The broad spectrum of topics and variety of speakers draw the attention to select facets of our society and enable introspection or communicate a view from the outside. The interplay of different lectures generates a complex debate of the artistic oeuvre and facilitates a deliberate discussion of the issues instigated by the works. Furthermore the series encourages a kaleidoscopic reflection about Germany, in the end not limited to concerns of this specific country but also touching universal traits and topics that are relevant to our time. In this way, How German is it? aims to initiate the debate of possible mandates and forms of use of a “Nationalgalerie”, while emphasising the Nationalgalerie as setting for discourse.

An insgesamt fünfzehn Abenden von September 2009 bis Januar 2010 sprechen wöchentlich jeweils ein bis zwei Wissenschaftler, Künstler, Politiker oder Journalisten aus dem In- und Ausland über Aspekte der deutschen Kultur, Gesellschaft und Geschichte. Ausgangspunkt für jeden dieser Abende ist jeweils eines der Werke der Ausstellung Thomas Demand. Nationalgalerie.