Anti-Facial Recognition strategies defeated

We had some fun at my ‘Raumkontrolle’ block seminar, trying out our Netavis Observer ‘face recognition’ software on various anti-Anti-Facial Recognition strategies. Seems they all used the same (Open-CV?) algorithm, and while I’m sure these strategies work against that, our (not very reliable) software looked right through the make-up and noise-glasses.

First test:  CV Dazzle project. The artist says the make-up and hairdo effectively stops software from recognizing faces. Let’s see… we pointed our IP-cam at a computer screen, the easiest way to get images from one system into another.


CV-Dazzle make-up working as expected. The bottom row of faces is not recognized.


Same here.



Oops. The algorithm got gender and age wrong, but hey. Not too bad!

Seems to be learning as we go.

It also seems to be learning as we go.

Next test: Isao Echizen’s modified sun glasses:

Screen shot 2013-01-23 at 21.54.05

The project is called “Privacy Protection Techniques Using Differences in Human and Device Sensitivity”. If I understand it correctly, infra-red light (invisible to the human eye) in the eye-to-nose bridge region in the face is meant to irritate face recognition algorithms.

Again, we pointed our IP-cam at a computer screen.

Bingo! Even if we take into account that a video of pink-ish light on a computer screen isn’t the same as actual IR light, it doesn’t seem to work too well…