Giant 'telescope' links London, New York

In all its optical brilliance and brass and wood, there stood the Telectroscope: an 11.2-meter-(37 feet) long by 3.3-meter-(11 feet) tall dream of a device allowing people on one side of the Atlantic to look into its person-size lens and, in real time, see those on the other side via a recently completed tunnel running under the ocean. (Think 19th-century Webcam. Or maybe Victorian-age video phone.)

Tom Levin: "Five Tapes, Four Halls, Two Dreams: Vicissitudes of Surveillant Narration in Haneke's Caché."

Tom Levin: “Five Tapes, Four Halls, Two Dreams: Vicissitudes of Surveillant Narration in Haneke’s Caché.”I propose a reading of Hanecke’s Caché, which looks at the narrative function of its surveillant aspects, in particular what I argue is the moralism of its surveillant narration. For it is in the subtle vicissitudes of what I demonstrates a panoptic formalism over the course of the film that a huge a mount of work takes place–a shift that is best indicated by considering the formal similarity of the first and last scenes (of the house and of the entrance to the schoo1, respectively) which, despite the seeming similarity of their surveillant stasis in fact have utterly different emotional/narrational connotation. Why is this? How does this occur? What is at stake in what I call the moralist formalism of the film’s metaleptic indexicality? This is what I explore in a very close reading of Caché, as I indicate in the paper’s title: “Five Tapes, Four Halls, Two Dreams: Vicissitudes of Surveillant Narration in Haneke’s Caché”

Patching You Through to the Dark Side

Patching You Through to the Dark Side
“Creative geographer” Trevor Paglen began his research on the U.S. Military’s secret “black sites” as a way of investigating a new form of domestic colonialism in which the uncharted bases (think Area 51) were taking over the landscape of much of the Southwest. He began mapping and monitoring these sites, from afar, perfecting his beautiful Limit Telephotography process and taking people on tours of the regions. But soon the tactical media artist began to discover a subculture of workers employed at these sites–workers who, despite the heavily-enforced veil of secrecy surrounding their work, have formed social organizations, attend alumni dinners, and even hand out awards to each other for secret jobs well-done. As he began to infiltrate these groups, in the process of expanding his ! research to cover topics such as the CIA’s extraordinary rendition flights, Paglen started collecting patches used by these veritable grown-up boy scouts to identify their fraternal clans. Paglen’s new book I Could Tell You but Then You Would Have to Be Destroyed by Me: Emblems from the Pentagon’s Black World documents the mysterious iconography and deciphers the bravado. The book is named after one particularly cryptic patch I Could Tell You But Then You Would Have to be Destroyed by Me, a phrase which accurately conveys the anonymity! surrounding the participants in these societies. Another favo! rite fea tures the emblem of an alien head and says, in Latin, “tastes like chicken.” Accompanying the book is a website, compiled by Paglen, extensively cataloguing the patches, augmenting and annotating the published text, and offering readers additional texts and interpretive sources. It seems befitting that Paglen would make such use of the internet, invented by the U.S. government, to publicize information about its own cloaked networks. Log-on and see if you can help him unravel the mystery of the NRO Dragon Patch. – Marisa Olson
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When location makes it a felony

Unusual Sex Charges Against Man Dropped
Felony Indecency Charges Dropped

POSTED: 12:19 pm EDT April 1, 2008
UPDATED: 2:42 pm EDT April 1, 2008


Felony indecency charges against a Bellevue man accused of lewd behavior on a deck behind his house have been dismissed, the Toledo Blade reported.Police said a neighbor in Bellevue videotaped Art Price having sex — termed as “relations” — with his picnic table on four separate occasions, WEWS-TV in Cleveland reported. Price was charged with four counts of public indecency.Usually misdemeanors, the charges were felonies in this case because Price lives within view of an elementary school and the alleged acts could have been seen by a minor, the television station reported.According to the Toledo Blade, Huron County Prosecutor Russell Leffler said the evidence didn’t support felony charges and other charges could be filed.