
Award-winning editor killed in Rx robbery getaway

An award-winning film editor was tragically killed by a bunch of thugs who slammed their car into her after robbing an Upper West Side drug store last night.

Karen Schmeer, 39, of Boston, was crossing Broadway between West 90th and 91st streets when she was struck by the getaway car, a 2010 rented Dodge Avenger, and pinned her against a double-parked car, her grocery bags strewn across the street.

Schmeer, who worked on the Academy Award-winning documentary film “The Fog of War” about former Secretary of Defense Robert MacNamara with acclaimed director Errol Morris, was in town editing a new film, friends said.

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Could be truthful: Moscow cameras streamed false pictures

Police have learned that CCTV cameras all across Moscow streamed prerecorded pictures, while the company servicing them received more than a million dollars in payments.
The company, StroyMontageService, has been accused of security fraud. Police have detained its director, Dmitry Kudryavtsev, who denies all charges saying the scandal is an attempt by his rivals to squeeze him out of the market.
The alleged fraud was uncovered during a routine check of Moscow CCTV cameras.
“From May to September 2009 CCTV cameras in several districts of Moscow streamed pre-recorded pictures instead of real-time video,” police spokeswoman Olga Dumalkina stated on Tuesday.

No Territory: AnarchoArtLab at The Living Theater
Sunday January 17th, 8pm – Midnight @ THE LIVING THEATER
No Territory: The AnarchoArtLab will respond to the news that our home and a brave New York institution, The Living Theater, will shutter its doors in 2010. This multi-media, interdisciplinary event will plumb the varied meanings of territory, property, ownership, and the individuals right to movement, thought, and expression in an “Ownership Society.”

The golden age was the age when gold didn’t reign; the cause of all wars, riots and injustices is the existence of property, happiness is hanging your landlord!

The wind is turning. The economy is wounded — we hope it dies! Amnesty is an act in which the rulers pardon the injustices they have committed; the state’s magnanimity to those offenders whom it would be too expensive to punish.

Abolish alienation! Obedience begins with consciousness; consciousness begins with disobedience! First, disobey; then write on the walls!
– graffiti, Paris, 1968

AnarchoArtLab is a collective of new-media, visual artists, performers, musicians, dancers and genre benders in residence at The Living Theatre. Each month we create a LIVE, collaborative, multi-media art experience that is both immersive and participatory. We welcome you to come for an hour or experience the entire evening.

Artists include but are not limited to: Glass Bead Collective, David Tully, Grady Gerbracht, John Loggia, Adriana Varella, Z-Collective, James ChrisBunny! Fields, Michele Cappello, Takashio Hisayasu, Miles Pflanz and Jackie Connolly, Parker Miller and English.

Eva Kot'átková: House Arrest

exhibition: december 9, 2009 – 7.00 pm

Viale Stelvio, 66
20159 Milan IT
+39 02 6883470

info [at] theconduits [dot] com


In House Arrest I wanted to create an atmosphere of punishment — of a compulsory, forced stay or detention in a certain place under specific conditions. It is initiated by a person in a higher position, usually as a result of the prisoner’s misconduct or insufficiently fulfilled tasks or duties. This often happens in relationships between parents and their children, or teachers and their pupils. The situation that interests me has a much broader meaning, even though it is squeezed between four walls, floor and ceiling, and is often isolated from the outer world (which is also one of the conditions of house arrest). In my work, I deal with aspects of my nearby surroundings; my intention is to uncover specific rules, schemes and behavioral patterns, and to try (often unsuccessfully) to find my own position within them.

Coco Fusco at MC


Coco Fusco’s recent exhibit at MC, Los Angeles (2006) included the photographic series Bare Life Study #1, a fictional military interrogation training manual for women, an enigmatic presentation of real manuals on a desk, and in an adjoining room, the 59-minute video Operation Atropos. The show explored the weaponization of female sexuality by the US military that was exposed by the Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay prisoner abuse scandals.

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MIT wins $40,000 prize in nationwide balloon-hunt contest


(CNN) — A team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology won $40,000 in a high-tech scavenger hunt on Saturday by discovering the location of 10 red weather balloons.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency announced that the MIT team was the first group in the contest to report the latitude and longitude coordinates of all 10 balloons, which were scattered across the United States.

DARPA is the U.S. military’s research arm. Saturday’s challenge is the latest in a series that the agency has hosted since 2004.

This contest was designed to test the way social networking and lesser-known Web-based techniques can help accomplish a large-scale, time-critical task.

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DICTIONARY OF WAR is a collaborative platform for creating 100 concepts on the issue of war, to be invented, arranged and presented by scientists, artists, theorists and activists at four public, two-day events in Frankfurt, Munich, Graz and Berlin. The aim is to create key concepts that either play a significant role in current discussions of war, have so far been neglected, or have yet to be created.

DICTIONARY OF WAR is about polemics in various respects: It seeks confrontation with a reality that is characterised by the concealment of power relations the more that one talks about war and peace. But it is also about finding out to what extent war may function as an “analyzer of power relations” that constitutes current changes.

Changes that have been producing ever new wordings: The new war, post-modern war, global war, immanent war – all sorts of labels that indicate that the juridical model of sovereignty would seem to have had its day: war as an armed confrontation between sovereign nation states is a thing of the past.

While this still refers to conflict between different interest groups that are defined by the degree of their intensity and extension, unlike in the past war serves to regulate rather than destroy or renew existing power relations.

War is a “constitutive form of a new order” that no longer knows an inside or outside, that not only destroys but also produces life. In this new world order there is no difference between war and non-war: war is perpetual and everywhere.

So like so many other things these days, war too seems to be subject to a de- and re-regulation process that radically challenges old certainties and replaces them with new premises that shall not be questioned. DICTIONARY OF WAR sets out to oppose war and, at the same time, calls for “desertion” from a war of words in which facts are created with such force in their communication and propaganda that they can no longer be challenged.

The aim of DICTIONARY OF WAR is to make the creation or revaluation of concepts transparent into more or less open processes in which we can and need to intervene; at the same time, the aim is to develop models that redefine the creation of concepts on the basis not of interdisciplinary but rather undisciplined, not co-operative but rather collaborative processes.

“At least, when we create concepts, we are doing something.” The idea of DICTIONARY OF WAR, then, begins by referring to the theory of creating concepts proposed by Deleuze and Guattari: Concepts must be invented, created, produced; concepts refer to problems without which they would be meaningless. It is not about definitions, anecdotes, original opinions or entertainment, but rather about developing the tools with which to attain new ideas.

The concepts are created by conceptual personae, who are not identical to the author, philosopher, artist self, but rather testify to a third person beneath or beside. According to Deleuze and Guattari, “we do not do something by saying it but produce movement by thinking it, through the intermediary of a conceptual persona”.

DICTIONARY OF WAR is not a book in the proper sense. It is not about texts, deadlines or editing but about performativity. The concepts are introduced in alphabetical order by their conceptual personae in twenty-minute presentations.

There are no restrictions with regard to format. DICTIONARY OF WAR will be composed of lectures, choreographies, films, slide shows, readings or whatever format authors, actors, organisers and conceptual personae choose to use.

Finally, DICTIONARY OF WAR may well be a kind of war machine itself: the concepts are not intended to be deployed as means of control that regulate meanings, but which rather activate developments and processes and evoke events. “To draw speech to oneself and bring something incomprehensible into the world.” (Kleist)