JANUARY 2008 CFP: Conspiracy Dwellings: Symposium on Surveillance in Art

Symposium on Surveillance in Contemporary ArtFriday 18 January 2008, 11am – 5pmRecital Room, South Hill Park Arts CentreRingmead, Bracknell, RG12 7PA, BerkshireThe symposium explores the ways which contemporary art has addressed theissues associated with state control, surveillance, past and present at atime of uncertainty when global terrorism highlights its controversialstatus. The invited speakers include Pam Skelton (artist and senior lecturerin Fine Art, University of Arts London) and Verena Kyselka (artist,Germany). The symposium includes a visit to the Conspiracy Dwellings andSurveillance exhibitions at South Hill Park.Call for proposalsWe welcome proposals for 25-minute papers that address the ways whichcontemporary artists have explored surveillance and totalising strategies ofsocial and political control either in their historic context or within thecontext of contemporary developments. These may include the development andapplication of advanced methods of total‚ surveillance, the introduction ofso-called emergency legislation, the practice and justification of physicaland mental torture, indefinite periods of incarceration of members oftargeted communities and groups without trial or legal representation.Please email your proposal with a short biographical statement to Dr OutiRemes at outi [dot] remes [at] southhillpark [dot] org [dot] uk [dot] The deadline for proposals is Monday 10 December 2007, 5pm.BookingsThe booking fee of £12 includes lunch and coffee/tea. Call to book: 01344484123 by Thursday 10 January 2007.The symposium is sponsored by Arts Council England.____________________________________________________________________H-ARTHISTHumanities-Net Discussion List for Art HistoryE-Mail-Liste fuer Kunstgeschichte im H-NetEditorial Board Contact Address / Fragen an die Redaktion:hah-redaktion [at] h-net [dot] msu [dot] eduSubmit contributions to / Beitraege bitte an:h-arthist [at] h-net [dot] msu [dot] eduHomepage: http://www.arthist.net____________________________________________________