CfPP / The Vogelsang Intervention / List of partecipants / 09-06-12

CfPP the Vogelsang Intervention I

Therewith an update of our partecipants’ list:

01 Artur Holling * not kosovo (AT) * reactive installation *

02 Aino Konversyrjä * The D-Tour / a Bus Tour Köln-Vogelsang Adlerhof * performance (opening) & The D-Tour / a Bus Tour Kall-Vogelsang Adlerhof * performance

03 Andrey Ustinov * Periscope * installation

04 Carolina Redondo * HART WIE STAHL * videoinstallation

05 Christine S. Thon & Lars H. Beuse * :;ASCHE;: * performance

06 EvaMaria Schaller * seelenraub * performance/installation

07 Franziska Windisch * walls & lines (AT) * installation

08 Irena Wolf * Changing Borderlines * installation

09 Nico Pelzer * oT * installation

10 JiHyun Park * Res 1 * installation

11 Officine Vida * LESS  (Rangers sagen NEIN) * concept visualization

12  Peter Beyer * Living in High Definition * videoinstallation/projection

13 Shigeru Takato * ordensburg (AT) * photography

14 Theresa Krause * Zone für Freie Kommunikation * spatial intervention

15 Vesko Gösel * oT * installation objects & drawings

16 Florian Egermann * Greetings from Vogelsang * intervention & postcards

17 Roshy Zangeneh  * BILDER IM KOPF * survey intervention & installation

18 Daniel Ansorge * 1944 * film or video screening

19 AURIEL (Martin Reich)  * (RE)COLLECTOR OF SOUNDS * mobile sound intervention

CfPP : June/July 09

Wednesday june 10th meeting @ room2 : 10.30 am update of The Vogelsang-Intervention-Map & 11.30 am  discussion around “Media are spaces of action for constructed attempts to connect what is separated”  (Zielinski) & negative points on “tourism”;

Wednesday june 17th 10.30 am developing models for the intervention; referring to the possibility to present CfPP during plan09 cologne platform for architecture&urbanism, september 09;

Wednesday july 1st 10.30 am visit to Skulpturenpark cologne with director Renate Goldmann

Wednesday july 8th 10.30 am visit to Vogelsang ip & intervention discussion with director Christina Threuter

CfPP & re-active : MidTermReView


tuesday may 19th & wednesday may 20th 2009 @ room2 of glasmoog

MidTerm ReView 09

Tuesday may 19th 2009

11 am
nicki dhur / “super clean” / a performance with cleaning products.
Running time: 1-2 hours
Location: room2
closing session approx. 2 hours later.

11.20 am
tobias daemgen / /manifest zum digitalen bewusstsein/ / des instituts wider den gesunden menschenverstand / action & text & reaction
Running time: 10 min
Location: room2 & everywhere

11.50 am
franziska windisch / chalkwalk / (soundperformance)
Running time: 10 min
Location: Innenhof Neubau / room2

Carolina Redondo / from the serie put your self toghether / video installation run test, 2 chan, loop
Running time: 2-5 min
Location: room2

nicki dhur / “super clean” / a performance with cleaning products.
closing session
Location: room2

=========== 1.10 BREAK

2.00 pm
Roshy Zengeneh / “radical chic” or “HAUPT-SACHE” / installation
Location: 2nd floor or room2

Daphé Kera / “roots” (AT) / video
Running time: ///
Location: room2

Artur Holling / pythia / reactive videoinstallation
Location: room2


Wednesday may 20th 2009

Evamaria Schaller / “homogen” (videofootage to the project for the Vogelsang Intervention)
location: room2

Thon & Beuse / some videofootage & text referring to the Vogelsang Intervention
location: room2

peter beyer / film referring to the Vogelsang Intervention
Running time: 6 min
Location: room2

Florian Egermann / Skulpur (AT) / including performance
Running time: ca. 20 Min.
location: KHM Innenhof

==== 1.10 BREAK

2.00 am
Evamaria Schaller / a kind of Pixilations-Kurzfilm-Animation
Running time: ///
location: room2

Theresa Krause & Theresa Tarcson / o.T. / video performance
Running time: ///
Location: room2

3 pm
Nico Pelzer
/// referring to the Vogelsang Intervention
location : room2

Roxy Paine on the Roof: Maelstrom

Roxy Paine on the Roof: Maelstrom
April 28, 2009–October 25, 2009 (weather permitting)
The Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Roof Garden

American artist Roxy Paine (b. 1966) has created a 130-foot-long by 45-foot-wide stainless-steel sculpture, especially for the Museum’s Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Roof Garden. Giving viewers the sense of being immersed in the midst of a cataclysmic force of nature, Maelstrom (2009) is Paine’s largest and most ambitious work to date. The latest in a diverse body of work, this sculpture is one of the artist’s Dendroids based on systems such as vascular networks, tree roots, industrial piping, and fungal mycelia. Set against Central Park and its architectural backdrop, the installation explores the interplay between the natural world and the built environment amid nature’s inherently chaotic processes.

SHU (Blue Hour Lullaby) by Philipp Lachenmann

SHU (Blue Hour Lullaby), 2002/07

A remote high security prison in the desert during the blue hour. The compound prepares for the night, the lights are gradually switched on. Simultaneously to the illuminating on the ground approaching aircraft lights appear in the evening sky, one after the other, slowly accumulating, hovering, floating.
SHU ( SHU – Security Housing Units) was partly inspired by the famous Walt Disney movie logo of Sleeping Beauty Castle.

16mm & high definition video HDV, color, sound, 12’30” (loop)

SHU (Blue Hour Lullaby) is officially selected for the 35th Seattle International Film Festival SIFF (May 21–June 11), as part of the Alternate Cinema program, screening May 22-30, 2009.

CfPP : The Vogelsang Intervention : may 09

Thursday may 7th 6.00 pm modern ruins “sundown” walk around (as far as we can get) the collapsed city of Köln archive. Meet at room2 at 6:00 pm.  Bring maps.

Sunday May 10th Museum Abteiberg Mönchengladbach, to see Gregor Schneider “END”, a massive public/private space project.   Afternoon appointment with Museum Direktorin Susanne Titz, she will be happy to answer all of your questions about working in public.


Monday may 11th Site visit to vogelsang.
This could be a time especially good for taping purposes, and our journey time could be arranged around shooting requirements. The school van can be reserved.

Wednesday may 13th 10.30 am the vogelsang tage : a report by Ustinov and Konversyrjä

Tuesday may 19th and wednesady may 20th MidTermReView of CfPP and re-active

Monday may 25th  supervisors meeting partners in vogelsang

Tuesday may 26th 7.00 pm meeting with the Vogelsang ip partners @ KHM

Wednesday may 27th 10.30 am CfPP visiting NS-documentation centre @ ED-LD-Haus cologne

CfPP : The Vogelsang Intervention / april 22 nd 2009

meeting april 22nd 2009 / 1.30 pm @ room2 / glasmoog of KHM / filzengraben 2c / cologne

for screening programme & discussion.

Actual list of intervention partecipants:

Peter Beyer
Vesko Gösel
Artur Holling “no Kossovo”
Aino Konvensyrjä “Travelling Gardens – Improving Nature at the Ordensburg Vogelsang”
Theresa Krause “Zone für freie Kommunikation”
officine vida “LESS”
JiHyun Park
Nico Pelzer
Carlonia Redondo “Hart wie Stahl”
Evamaria Schaller
Shigeru Takato „Ordensburg“
Christine S. Thon & Lars H. Beuse
Andrey Ustinov “Periscope”
Franziska Windisch
Irena Wolf “Changing Borderlines”

Urban (R)evolutions

Urban (R)evolutions: submissions until 15/5/2009

A collective screening project by Video Art Festival Miden

Video Art Festival Miden this year invites all artists and creators to contribute to a collective screening project, submitting digital images.
In the context of the “Urban (R)evolutions” thematic showcase, along with video screenings we invite all artists to submit still images (photos, digital images, photo-montages, collages, drawings, 3D graphics, architectural proposals etc) which transform and alter creatively the urban landscape. Each participant can submit up to 10 images. All submitted works will be screened in the form of a slide-show in open spaces of the Historic Centre of Kalamata. Submitted works must be original. Minimum image size 800x600pixels, 72dpi, tiff, jpg or bmp format. Please send your images along with a short cv via e-mail at festivalmiden [at] gmail [dot] com with the indication “Urban-stills”.

Deadline: 15/05/2009

For any extra information contact us at: info [at] festivalmiden [dot] gr or festivalmiden [at] gmail [dot] com