short text : vogelsang i:i by Eva & Artur Holling

Eva und Artur Holling:
vogelsang i:i
intervention’s information : information’s intervention
Informationsstand “Vogelsang Intervention 2009”

Kino / Ticket Office

vogelsang i:i will den Diskurs über den Diskurs. Es wird zur kritischen Reflexion eingeladen und
das Angebot ausgesprochen, am Infostand den Stand der Information zu befragen. Das am Ort
Durchgeführte soll bewusst bleiben und zur Diskussion gestellt werden.
Der ‘Informationsstand’ bietet:
a) weiterführende Information zur “Vogelsang Intervention 2009”
b) Eigenreflexion der Aktion und Aufforderung zur Stellungnahme durch die Besuchenden
c) Hinterfragen und Aufzeigen von Merchandisingstrategien

short text : not kosovo by Artur Holling

Artur Holling:
not kosovo
reaktive Videoinstallation

Burgschänke / Kaminraum

Wollseifen als Stätte der praktizierten Geschichtsschreibung und –verdrängung: Vertreibung der Bewohner, Areal für Kriegs-Spiel (bezeichnenderweise nach dem 2. Weltkrieg), Kriegerische Nutz-Architektur, sogar Neubauten, nachdem die ehemaligen Gebäude weggeschossen waren, architektonische Symbolik des Balkankriegs.
Die Installation ist nicht Ersatz für den Ort selbst und soll nicht den Eindruck einer Dokumentation erwecken. Im Gegenteil fordert sie dazu auf, den Ort selbst aufzusuchen.

e-flux : Groys about "Politics of Installation"

Boris Groys, Politics of Installation

The field of art is today frequently equated with the art market, and the artwork is primarily identified as a commodity. That art functions in the context of the art market, and every work of art is a commodity, is beyond doubt; yet art is also made and exhibited for those who do not want to be art collectors, and it is in fact these people who constitute the majority of the art public. The typical exhibition visitor rarely views the work on display as a commodity. At the same time, the number of large-scale exhibitions—biennales, triennales, documentas, manifestas—is constantly growing. In spite of the vast amounts of money and energy invested in these exhibitions, they do not exist primarily for art buyers, but for the public—for an anonymous visitor who will perhaps never buy an artwork. Likewise, art fairs, while ostensibly existing to serve art buyers, are now increasingly transformed into public events, attracting a population with little interest in buying art, or without the financial ability to do so. The art system is thus on its way to becoming part of the very mass culture that it has for so long sought to observe and analyze from a distance. Art is becoming a part of mass culture, not as a source of individual works to be traded on the art market, but as an exhibition practice, combined with architecture, design, and fashion—just as it was envisaged by the pioneering minds of the avant-garde, by the artists of the Bauhaus, the Vkhutemas, and others as early as the 1920s. Thus, contemporary art can be understood primarily as an exhibition practice. This means, among other things, that it is becoming increasingly difficult today to differentiate between two main figures of the contemporary art world: the artist and the curator.

more online


APPEARANCE / AUFTRITT  september 11th – october 10th 2009
„Predictive Engineering (Audio)“, 2009
september 11th – 17th 2009
opening friday september 11th 2009, 7 pm

“Appearance / Auftritt” is the title for the European Kunsthalle’s program at Ebertplatz in September/October 2009. In weekly change, four internationally renowned artists – Julia Scher, Katja Davar, Miriam Bäckström und Yane Calovski – appear in a series of short exhibitions. Presented within the context of the European Kunsthalle c/o Ebertplatz, the projects resonate in an interesting way.

Julia Scher’s audio installation “Predictive Engineering (Audio)”, 2009, is the starting project. A mixture of seduction and authoritarian commands, a disembodied female voice evokes various imaginary zones in order to instruct passers-by “collective security”. Referring to various surveillance and control techniques, “Predictive Engineering (Audio)”, 2009, critically reflects the widespread promise that these technologies allow us to steer and construe human behaviour.

CfPP / The Vogelsang Intervention / preview during plan09 cologne

Junge Propaganda

Mit „Vorschau Vogelsang Intervention 2009“ im Rahmen von plan09 – Forum aktueller Architektur in Köln zeigt die Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln einen Ausblick auf das ortsbezogene Projekt „Vogelsang Intervention 2009“, das vom 16. bis 18. Oktober 2009 in Vogelsang/Eifel stattfinden wird. Die Vorschau zeigt Modelle, Skizzen und Verweise, aber auch eigenständige künstlerische Werke, die sich auf die geplanten Interventionen vor Ort bzw. den Ort selbst beziehen und diesen kommentieren.

CfPP / The Vogelsang Intervention / State of the Art / 09-09-02

Florian Egermann “Sketch” (WT)

The actual list of partecipants:
01 Aino Korvensyrjä (ruiniert in transit tour)
02 Artur Holling (not kosovo)
03 Auriel Reich (RE-COLLECTOR of SOUND)
04 Christine Thon & Lars Beuse (:ASCHE:)
05 Daniel Ansorge (1944)
06 Eva & Artur Holling (Infostand – vogelsang i:i)
07 EvaMaria Schaller (seelenraub)
08 Florian Egermann (Ortscheit)
09 Franziska Windisch (Walls & Lines)
10 Irena Wolf (Grenzlinien)
11 JiHuyn Park (Rec)
12 Nicolas Pelzer (Junker Schlaf)
13 officinevida (LESS)
14 Peter Beyer (Living in High Definition)
15 Roshy Zangeneh (Integration)
16 Theresa Krause (Zone für Freie Kommunikation)

Challenging Space in the Era of Google Maps

Workshop by artist Michelle Teran – Fri 4th Sep
XIV biennial of Young Artists in Skopje, Macedonia

Trampoline will host the workshop “Challenging Space in the Era of Google Maps” run by Canadian artist Michelle Teran who will guide a group of 15 participants through practical, participatory and theoretical examples of the way that the use of advanced location based technologies in cities has given rise to an emergent form of physical terrain that we can call hybrid space.

During the 6 hour long workshop, the participants will be taken on an exploration of the city (via the internet and via a city walk) in a hunt for local broadcasts tracked via YouTube and Google Maps. Finding them, mapping them, understanding the narrative – Michelle and Trampoline’s Mat Trivett will weave together a new mesh of ideas from the threads connecting hybrid spaces.

The participants are invited to bring their digital devices. For registration, please contact the BJCEM Biennial Team directly.

Fri 4th Sep / 1-7pm at Creativity House, Conference Room, Skopje, Macedonia
  Biennial website Biennial Schedule website Michelle Teran

Education: School for Supermen

On dark days in Germany’s Rhineland the fog boils off the cold, black lake waters of the Urftstausee, rolls upward to shroud in Wagnerian vagueness and grandeur a vast modern castle of reinforced concrete and brownstone that clings to the mountainside above. The castle is Ordensburg-Vogelsang, one of several such “Fortresses of the New Order” built in the 1930s. There, in well-equipped classrooms, comfortable dormitories, a “Tower of Wisdom” in which Hitler once planned to enshrine a sequel to Mein Kampf, the Nazi elite trained the future rulers of Germany and, they hoped, of the world.

Now is the time to act!

Now is the time to act! Please voice your support for the Contemporary Art Tower in Vienna

Dear Friend of the MAK Center:

For those of you who have signed the petition to support the CAT in Vienna, we thank you. If you have not done so, there is still time!

About the CAT
Our parent institution in Vienna, MAK (Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art) has begun an innovative plan to convert a World War II anti-aircraft “flak” tower located at the center of the city into a vital international center for contemporary art. Through this project, called the Contemporary Art Tower (CAT), the MAK proposes a groundbreaking and affordable strategy for establishing an international collection in the 21st century.

The idea behind CAT is to invite international artists to participate in residencies during which they will create site-responsive permanent works at the flak tower. Plans for the CAT include exhibition spaces, studios, workshops, and an auditorium.

Over time, the amassed collection of contemporary art and new media at the CAT will be unique in Austria and will make obsolete the kind of art purchases that today have become prohibitively expensive for museums.
Distinguished artists Jenny Holzer and James Turrell hav! e alread y created artistic interventions for this site. Renowned artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude have lent their support by designing a special stamp block issued in 2009 by the Austrian Postal Service.

Unfortunately, the CAT project is now facing opposition from a citizen’s initiative in Vienna and is at risk of being lost forever.

Your help is crucial to ensure that this somber historic site will become a lively center for contemporary art and the home of a unique collection of the 21st century.

Please support its realization with your signature at the following link:

For mor! e information on CAT, see:

MAK Center for Art and Architecture
at the Schindler House
835 North Kings Road
West Hollywood, CA 90069
323 651 1510 phone
323 651 2340 fax
contact: office [at] makcenter [dot] org